• Recruitment 2024

We will be recruiting for a teacher of Science, Biology/Chemistry in August.

If you are interested in joining our team please let us know by getting in touch by email to recruitment@sandymountparketss.ie.

Please check  www.educationposts.ie for our advertisement in July/August.

The application form is online:

The Board of Management seeks applications from teachers as advertised on www.educationposts.ie. This is an excellent opportunity to join an innovative team and experience a developing school culture. Sandymount Park Educate Together Secondary School opened in 2018 and from September 2024 we will have an enrolment of 450 students from first to sixth year. We are committed to the vision of education outlined in the Blueprint for Educate Together Second-Level Schools and seek to build a team of creative and passionate educators who share our vision.

We use iPads and O365 to support and enhance learning. Teachers adopt a blended approach to technology and integrate the use of iPads, Teams and OneNote to provide learning experiences which are broad, balanced, challenging and responsive to individual needs.

In Sandymount Park ETSS co and extra-curricular activities form an important part of school life, helping to build relationships and enhance learning and wellbeing. Teachers work closely to continually advance the quality of learning and teaching – this involves co teaching and an ‘open door’ culture of observation and ideas exchange.

We are a growing school, joining our team presents excellent career development opportunities for kind, hard-working, innovative and dedicated teachers. Applying for a position with us indicates your support of our vision. Positions are fixed-term and are subject to sanction by the DES.

Students’ written work in copybooks and laboratory reports was very good and greatly supported with teacher feedback and students’ use of a well-designed copybook checklist. In using the checklist, students have clear criteria that they can apply to their own assignments.  Science Subject Inspection 2019 

‘Through the teacher’s proficient use of shared learning intentions, combined with tasks that involved students in co-creating success criteria, students were highly involved in their learning and in reflecting on their individual progress.  Science Subject Inspection 2019 


Sandymount Park ETSS is delighted to announce that we are a Droichead school. The Droichead process is an integrated professional induction framework for newly qualified teachers (NQTs). The main objective of the Droichead process is to support the professional learning of the NQTs during the induction phase, thus laying the foundations for subsequent professional growth and learning for the next phase of their career.

We have a full trained Professional Support Team, who mentor NQTs through the Droichead process. We look forward to working with NQTs to enrich our school culture.

Further information:

NIPT website