
In Sandymount Park we are committed to diversifying, enhancing and expanding the teaching of languages. Becoming proficient in languages has been shown to improve cognitive development, boost academic performance and enhance communication skills. An ability to communicate in more than one language is increasingly valuable to employers and a huge asset to graduates who are better equipped to compete for jobs in fields such as international business, tourism, diplomacy and many others.

We are delighted to now be in a position to offer incoming first year students a choice of French, Spanish or German and all students from 1st to 5th year will have the opportunity to study two modern foreign languages if they wish. We also hope to offer a module in Japanese to Transition Year students from September.

 We would like to bring to your attention that Post Primary Languages Ireland (PPLI) run classes in lesser-taught languages to support students around Ireland to prepare for the Leaving Certificate exams. These classes are funded by the Department of Education and are free of charge for students. Classes are run on Saturdays during school term time. The classes cover the Leaving Cert course over a two-year period, meaning students should register before they begin 5th year. Current Transition Year students can register now, for further information see:

We are proud to be a diverse and multi-cultural school community and wish to continue to develop our support for all students. From September we plan to engage with An Intercultural Look at our Schools Toolkit  It provides a framework for schools wishing to address the intercultural dimension in their school and aims to raise awareness of the role students’ plurilingual and pluricultural identities and competences play in their learning in a school setting. We will be in touch with surveys in the new school year.