Punctuality and Friday Reflection

Students are expected to be in school by 8:15am to access their locker and get organised for the day ahead. Students
receive vital information during tutorial, spend time with their classmates and tutor and engage in wellbeing activities. When a student is late, they cause disruption and negatively impact the learning experience of others. Being punctual helps prevent unnecessary stress and anxiety and fosters good habits.

A student who arrives after 8:30am twice in one week must attend Friday Reflection from 2:30-3:15pm. This applies to all students. Please factor in traffic and weather conditions and adjust journey times to school accordingly.

If a students fails to attend a Friday Reflection they will be linked with the Deputy Principal to make up the Reflection the following Tuesday and attend the missed Reflection on the following Friday.

When lateness persists, the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) will be asked to attend a meeting with the Progress Leader and Deputy Principal.